How to configure pcSwipe

2 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

If you have not done so already you will need to download the pcSwipe Configuraiton utility. You can download it here.

Open the pcSwipe Configuration utility and click on the Scan/Connect button. You will know you are connected when your device firmware shows to the left.


Now we will go to the Fields tab


Once on the fields tab, swipe your card. You will see the card data populate in the grey box.


Once the card data is there, simply adjust the Track, field, offset, and length until you get the desired information. Please note, if your field is set to 0, offset and length will not appear. Once you change your field to a number, then they will be available. As you adjust them, you will see the yellow box move around your card data. Whatever is highlighted in yellow is what your output will be. 

So looking at our card data, lets say I just want to read 679876 from the second row.


I don't need to know what the track, field, offset, and length are. I simply need to adjust them until I get the yellow box over the area I want. In this example, Track is set to 2, Field is set to 1, Offset is set to 3, and Length is set to 6. You will notice the highlighted area is now over the 679876.


Once the correct data is selected, you need to flash the settings to the reader by clicking the Flash button up at the top.


Once the reader has been flashed, swipe your card to verify the output.


Once the output is verified you are ready to go.  

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